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Microsoft Inside Ole 2 book download

Microsoft Inside Ole 2 book download

Microsoft Inside Ole 2 by Kraig Brockschmidt

Microsoft Inside Ole 2

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Microsoft Inside Ole 2 Kraig Brockschmidt ebook
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Page: 0
Format: chm

IT Administrators can block the documents that contain unwanted macros or controls, This covers two of the main facets required for intelligence: open, editable content and accessible document metadata. Lenny is a seasoned business and tech leader with extensive experience in information technology and security. His areas of expertise include incident response, cloud services and product management. Learn to turn malware inside-out at my SANS Institute course on analyzing malicious code. Embedded code—for example, OLE objects or Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications code—is stored in a separate section within the file, so it can be easily identified for special processing. Take a look at my other security cheat sheets. DRG bought and gave away tons of these books to try and I think you will see more and more “mini-microsoft” voices screaming louder to make sure these things get into that DNA. Structured Storage (OLE SS) defines a file system inside the binary Microsoft Office file. A really smart guy, Kraig Brockschmidt, wrote a book called Inside OLE and did this while on the DRG payroll. Free download ebook Inside Ole 2: The Fast Track to Building Powerful Object-Oriented Applications/Book and 2 Disks (Microsoft Press Programming Series) pdf. Microsoft will still compete with you, your mom, dad, sister, uncle, and dog if there is money on the table.

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